Donald Trump's approval rating falls to record low: Gallup poll
21 March 2017, 16:57 IST

Donald Trump's approval rating falls to record low: Gallup poll

Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 37 per cent, a record low for any US President in their first term in at least 70 years, according to new Gallup figures.

The President's approval has dropped three points this weekend to 37 per cent, while 58 per cent of Americans disapprove of his performance so far as US President.

The findings come shortly before the Congressional hearing on Russia and whether the country interfered in the 2016 election to give the Republican candidate a boost. Both parties have flatly denied the allegations.

The Gallup numbers, based on a three-day rolling average, have been released the same weekend that the President finishes his tenth golf trip since his inauguration more than his predecessor, whom he accused of golfing too much, according to Gallup.

Trump had also questioned why his predecessor Barack Obama had a "record low" Gallup approval rating of 39 per cent in August 2011 a low bar that Trump has now surpassed.

Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of Trump's job performance. The daily results are based on telephone interviews with about 1,500 national adults.

Other presidents have suffered even lower ratings during their time in office, but this is the first time in at least 70 years that any president dipped to this point by March of their first term, it said.

Trump assumed Presidency on January 20 with an approval rating of around 45 per cent, but it had dipped to 38 per cent less than one month later.   -PTI
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