'There’s just something that’s not feeling right', says Nikki Bella while trying her wedding gown
26 May 2018, 12:32 IST

'There’s just something that’s not feeling right', says Nikki Bella while trying her wedding gown

Nikki Bella was not excited about her wedding. A month before her wedding that was scheduled on May 5, she along with her sister Brie Bella and other family members had gone shopping. While others seemed to be very happy and excited about the wedding, She just not feeling it.

It was very much evident on May 27 episode of Total Bellas. 

In the clip, Brie says, “Finally, my sister is trying on wedding dresses! I am so excited to be here ’cause Nicole has been dreaming about this moment forever, so hopefully, we find the one,” But, Nikki after trying on two dresses couldn’t get into it.

In the sneak peek Nikki says, "I thought you’re supposed to be excited for this. Like when you watch the movies or all I’ll hear from my friends is like, ‘Oh my gosh, greatest day! Break out the champagne!’ And like for me, I’m just like, ‘Let’s make this quick.’ There’s just something that’s not feeling right.” 

Nikki and John

Earlier a US weekly quoted that Nikki had called off her engagement to Cena. But, in an exclusive interview, she revealed, “I didn’t realise that wedding planning was going to be the best form of therapy out there, that it was just going to make these feelings that I’ve stored away for the past six years come to life,”  She also added, “So I just had to hit them head on and now the cameras are rolling.”

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