16-year-old boy clicks 50,000 photos of the Moon; know why
20 May 2021, 13:19 IST

16-year-old boy clicks 50,000 photos of the Moon; know why

A 16-year-old boy from Maharashtra’s Pune is grabbing the limelight after he captured several pictures of the Moon. The boy named Prathamesh Jaju has recently shot around 50,000 pictures of the moon and arranged them together. The whole process took him around 40 hours to process the images and videos.

He took thousands of images to capture the clearest pictures of the moon.

While speaking to news agency ANI, Jaju said, “I captured the image on May 3 at 1 am. I captured for around four hours with videos and images. It took 38-40 hours for processing.

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The reason behind 50,000 pictures was to get the clearest picture of the moon. I stitched them together and sharpened the image to see crisp details of the moon. The raw data was 100 GB and after processing it, the data turned bigger so it was around 186 GB. When I stitched them together, the final file was around 600 MB.”

Boy clicks 50,000 pictures of The Moon


Jaju also revealed why he started clicking the pictures of the Moon. “I read some articles and saw some YouTube videos to learn how to capture these images. I learned the processing.”

Who is Jaju:

Prathamesh Jaju is a class 10 student in Vidya Bhavan School in Pune. His father runs a computer sales and repairing business while his mother is a housewife.

Besides photography, Jaju likes athletics. He also participated in one national competition in athletics.

Jaju is an active social media use and has over 26k followers on Instagram.

Talking about his future plans, the 16-year-old boy said, “I want to become an astrophysicist and study astronomy professionally but astrophotography is just a hobby for me right now.”

He also shared the images of moon clicked by him on social media that have garnered over 11k likes.

Click here to watch Jaju's Instagram post

“This image is an HDR Composite of two different images made to give it a three-dimensional effect. This is my most detailed and clearest shot of the third quarter Mineral Moon,” Jaju said.

“Our eyes cannot resolute the colours of the minerals on the moon. The blue tones reveal areas rich in ilmenite which contains iron, titanium, and oxygen. While the orange and purple colours show regions relatively poor in titanium and iron. The white/grey tomes refer to areas of greater exposure to sunlight,” Jaju wrote captioned the images of the Moon.

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