Three children suffer burn injuries after overloaded school van's radiator bursts
11 August 2017, 14:39 IST

Three children suffer burn injuries after overloaded school van's radiator bursts

POKHRAN ( Jaisalmer): Three children sustained injures when a school van carrying 22 children aged between to 11 years had its radiator in fumes on Thursday morning while on way to school. The hot fluid from the coolant of the radiator badly scalded three children who were reportedly sitting in the front of the vehicle. The injured kids were immediately taken to the hospital. One of them, who is said to be critical, was referred to Mathura Das Mathur Hospital(MDM Hospital) in Jodhpur.

“Because of the hot emissions from the coolant of the radiator the children suffered burn injuries on their bodies. Out of the three injured children the one who is critical has been referred to the Jodhpur hospital. We went to the hospital but neither the school authorities nor the parents have made any written complaint so far,” he informed.

This was a case of an 8- seater van carrying twenty-two children. Though the Government of India has got strict rules laid down with regards to carrying school children, overcrowding seems to be the norm with most of the Indian cities and towns. In this particular incident, neither the school authorities nor the parents appeared to be concerned about the infringement of rules.

When Catch News contacted the school Principal SC Meena for response, he termed it a “minor accident”. “There is nothing new. Moreover, the school authorities have nothing to do with this,” he asserted. When asked if he was aware of the Government's rule against overloading of school vans, he said that should be parents’ concern. “We have not been instructed and no rule book has been sent by the Government. Our responsibility for the children is confined to school premises,” he argued.

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