Rajnath Singh to speak on India-China border situation in Rajya Sabha today
17 September 2020, 11:05 IST

Rajnath Singh to speak on India-China border situation in Rajya Sabha today

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is scheduled to make a statement on India-China border situation in the Rajya Sabha today.

Singh had earlier spoken over the issue at the Lok Sabha on Tuesday during the ongoing monsoon session of Parliament.

The Defence Minister had said that India is ready to deal with any situation regarding the India-China border tension.

"I want to assure you that we are ready to deal with any situation. I request this house to pass a resolution that we stand shoulder to shoulder with our armed forces who are guarding our borders to safeguard India's sovereignty and integrity," the Minister had said in the Lok Sabha.

Singh said that China does not recognise the traditional customary alignment of the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and the border issue between the two countries remains unresolved.

The two countries have been engaged in a standoff position since April-May timeframe and the Chinese have refused to vacate areas in the Finger area and other friction points in the Eastern Ladakh area.

Multiple rounds of talks have also failed to yield any significant result in defusing the tensions and now the Indian side has prepared itself for long term deployment in the high mountainous region.


Also Read: Rajnath Singh to address parliament on developments on our borders today

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