Royal wedding: Russell Brand boasts about kissing royal bride Meghan Markle in 'Get Him To The Greek'
17 May 2018, 15:44 IST

Royal wedding: Russell Brand boasts about kissing royal bride Meghan Markle in 'Get Him To The Greek'

Russell Brand, English comedian-actor who appeared in a movie with royal bride Meghan Markle kissed her. He is boasting about kissing Meghan during an episode of UK chat show Loose Women.

During the show, he revealed that he locked lips with the royal bride in 2009 when filming Get Him To The Greek.

Russell said, “But let me say, before you get carried away with it — there’s a wedding on Saturday, focus! She was in a film that I was in — I had done a film, Get Him to the Greek, it was called, a bloody good film — Meghan Markle, didn’t know at the time because she wasn’t married to a royal person, so I wasn’t paying attention.”

Added Brand: “Well I think in it, I don’t remember the film that much… but I think I planted one on her, I think, in the scene. But that was scripted in the scene. I only know this because I think I saw a clip of it somewhere.”

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The panel couldn’t stop laughing at his confession.

“Meghan Markle, there we go. ‘If anyone has any reason …'” teased Brand before adding, “Yeah! Russell Brand snogged her in a film!’ Never mind her bloody dad selling photos!” he said referring to the news that Markle’s dad participated in staged paparazzi photos.

Last month, his mother met with an accident, he shared that his mother is “doing amazing."

“She had terrible, terrible injuries,” Brand said of his mother, Barbara. “Broken back, broken neck, terrible abdominal injuries… But she’s making a remarkable recovery due to her spirit and the incredible National Health Service and the people that work there, who do such phenomenal work. It’s unbelievable.”

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