Coronavirus Pandemic: With 46,791 new COVID-19 cases, India's tally reaches 75,97,064
20 October 2020, 11:07 IST

Coronavirus Pandemic: With 46,791 new COVID-19 cases, India's tally reaches 75,97,064

India reported 46,791 new COVID-19 cases and 587 deaths in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases to 75,97,064, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).

As per the MoHFW, the number of active cases stand at 7,48,538 while the number of cured/discharged/migrated people stands at 67,33,329. The death toll has reached 1,15,197.

With 1,83,456 total active cases, Maharashtra continues to be the worst affected state by COVID-19 in the country. While 13,69,810 patients have recovered from the disease in the state, 42,115 have died so far.

Among other severely affected states, Karnataka has 1,09,283 active cases, while 6,45,825 people have recovered, 10,478 have succumbed to the coronavirus.

Delhi has 23,292 active cases, 3,01,716 recovered and 6,009 deaths reported so far.

Meanwhile, the trend of daily cases in the five most affected states-Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu - reveals stages of the decline of active cases. It mirrors a steady decrease in active cases in India with caseload being sustained below 8 lakhs for 3 days in a row, said the Health Ministry.


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