Woman commits suicide as her ex-boyfriend posts objectionable pictures on Facebook
24 December 2019, 13:45 IST

Woman commits suicide as her ex-boyfriend posts objectionable pictures on Facebook

A woman allegedly committed suicide after her former boyfriend posted her objectionable pictures on social media, police said on Monday.

The incident took place under the Dhantala police station limits in Nadia district on Sunday, they said.

The woman and the man had become friends on Facebook around six months ago. The relationship ended in a bitter note recently, police said.

The man opened a fake account on Facebook and posted objectionable photographs of the woman on it, they said.

When the woman learnt about it she committed suicide at her home, police said.

The father of the woman has filed a complaint with the police in this regard, they said.

We have initiated an investigation and trying to nab the man who is absconding, police said.


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