Country knows where Rahul Gandhi Ji gets his news from: Jamyang Tsering
27 August 2019, 13:46 IST

Country knows where Rahul Gandhi Ji gets his news from: Jamyang Tsering

Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal refuted Congress MP Rahul Gandhi's claims on Ladakh and Kashmir by stating that the people in his region have welcomed the decision by the Centre to abrogate provisions of Article 370.

"The whole country knows where Rahul Gandhiji gets his news from and what is its source. But today the leaders from the Leh and Kargil are joining BJP because the decisions taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah will benefit the people. That is the proof of BJP's popularity in our region," Namgyal told ANI here.

He added that with the removal of Article 370, the Central government schemes will now reach the people in the region which will increase prosperity in the valley.

"The schemes, plans and laws of the Centre which could not reach the people due to Article 370 will reach them now. That is why the people are in favour of the decision because the facilities which reach their homes now," the Ladakh MP said.

A day after being denied to visit Srinagar, Gandhi on Sunday had said both opposition politicians and the press have got a taste of what he called "draconian" administration.

"It's been 20 days since the people of Jammu and Kashmir had their freedom and civil liberties curtailed. Leaders of the Opposition and the Press got a taste of the draconian administration and brute force unleashed on the people of J&K when we tried to visit Srinagar yesterday," he tweeted along with a video where he is seen unsuccessfully attempting to convince authorities that the delegation had arrived at the invitation of Governor Satya Pal Malik.

Namgyal, however, refused to comment on Congress leader in the Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury's statements in which he had asked Center to appoint Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik as the president of the state BJP unit.

"Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury can speak whatever he wants, I am not going to comment on that topic. We respect Satya Pal Malikji, as far as the decision to appoint anyone in any position is concerned the government is there for it," he said.

Earlier on Sunday, Chowdhury said that Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik's statements are like those given by the BJP leaders and he should be made the leader of BJP in J&K.

"Jammu and Kashmir Governor should be made the president of the state BJP unit. His comments and statements are like those of BJP leaders. The way he talks doesn't uphold the integrity of the constitutional office of Governor," Chowdhury said attacking Malik.


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