RPSC Recruitment 2020: 264 vacancies released for Lecturer; know last date
8 January 2020, 10:15 IST

RPSC Recruitment 2020: 264 vacancies released for Lecturer; know last date

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released a job opportunity for the post of School Lecturer on its official website. Interested candidates can apply for 264 vacancies released at rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.

The application link for the post will active on January 13, 2020. While the last date to apply for the position of RPSC School Lecturer job is January 27, 2020.

RPSC School Lecturer Vacancy Details 2020:

Eligibility Criteria Required for RPSC Jobs 2020:

Educational Qualification:

To check the eligibility criteria required for RPSC School Lecturer, candidates can visit the official website of RPSC.

Important Dates To Remember:

Here’s how to apply for RPSC School Lecturer Recruitment 2020

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the RPSC School Lecturer posts through the online mode. While the online application form will be activated from January 13 and the last date to apply is January 27, 2020.

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