Valentine’s Day Special: Are you still single? Scientists say being single kill you faster than obesity! Know details inside
10 February 2019, 16:12 IST

Valentine’s Day Special: Are you still single? Scientists say being single kill you faster than obesity! Know details inside

As Valentine’s Day is approaching all committed and to be committed (if any) are enjoying their valentine week. However, there are several youth who are single either they are happy for being single or console themselves by saying this. Unfortunately, here’s bad news for all the singles out there. A fresh study has revealed a shocking fact that being single can kill you.

The study has revealed that that loneliness can be more dangerous than obesity and can kill you. According to TruthTheory reports, the statistics say it all – loneliness can result in a 50% increase in chances of dying early, which is much lesser than the 30% risk that obesity presents.


A survey done by Granset says that about 75% of the older population in the UK are suffering from loneliness. Even most don’t even talk about it. According to the survey, in the UK, Loneliness has been called an epidemic and it already costs a lot of money to Europe. About $26 million per year is spent as costs due to sick leaves. Notably, loneliness has been said to be worse for a person, both physically and mentally.

According to experts, it is necessary that when people are treated for loneliness, the social environment and conditions should be factored in to come to a proper conclusion.

So, this valentine find your better half and get rid of this loneliness to avoid life threatening health issues.

Also read: World Cancer Day: Beware! Pasta to Popcorn, top 7 cancer causing foods that you should ‘avoid’ eating but fails!

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