Is your women cheating on you? Following could be the signs
30 June 2018, 16:14 IST

Is your women cheating on you? Following could be the signs

Marriage or being in a relationship is not as easy as what it seems. The more you expect, the more you desire. You have to manage your relationship on every level, then only its gonna survive.

The fact you are madly in love with another is actually not enough.

Today, many women are stepping out of their marriages and partners for a reason for which they think is best for them.

Now, it is not that difficult to find out why a woman loses interest in their relationship because of these certain behaviours she will display that can give her away.

If you want to identify whether your women/girl is cheating on you, these are the signs you need to watch out for.



Women usually nag about everything and that is nothing unusual. However, what you need to see is her constant nagging. She will nag about everything as in literally everything in a strange way from the smallest to the biggest issues.

If this is happening a lot it could indicative of trouble. She will begin to magnify her partner’s imperfections and if she is smitten by the other man she will use that as an excuse to break up.

Is she getting distracted?

Is she getting distracted?

Women are naturally great listeners and attentive creatures comparing to men. If you observe that she is losing interest and barely pays attention to what you’re saying, then that means my friend you are in trouble. Because these kinds of stuff are not supposed to happen if you're married.

The fact is something else is going her minds. If she is serious about the other man, chances are her mind is occupied with ways she can leave you.


Backs out of confrontations

Backs out of confrontations

When you ask her if she is cheating on you or not, there is a possibility that she will not admit and try everything in way out not to get caught to avoid confrontation. The best way to remain silent is she will try to leave the conversation hanging or turn it around on you.

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Loses interest in getting physical

Loses interest in getting physical

No matter how good she was getting it, she will soon lose interest in having sex with you or even getting physical if there is someone else in her life.

In most instances, this could the reason why she will pull away, act cold and distant. Kisses are quick and hugs are short could be a sign she is not interested in intimacy. Reason being she could be getting it elsewhere.

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