NABARD Recruitment 2019: Vacancies released for Group B posts; here’s how to apply
13 September 2019, 9:38 IST

NABARD Recruitment 2019: Vacancies released for Group B posts; here’s how to apply

NABARD has released a job notification for various posts on its official website at Interested candidates should submit their application form from September 14, 2019.

National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) has released job notification for the post of Development Assistant/ Development Assistant (Hindi), Group B posts.

NABARD has released a total of 91 vacancies and out of the total posts, NABARD has released 82 vacancies for Development Assistant and 9 (Hindi) for Development Assistant.

To read the detailed notification, candidates will have to wait till 14 September 2019.

However, the last date to apply for the NABARD Recruitment drive is October 2, 2019.

Check NABARD vacancy details:

Total posts: 91 vacancies

Salary Structure:

Candidates who will be selected for the post of Development Assistant/ Development Assistant (Hindi) will get the remuneration of Rs 32,000/- per month.

Eligibility Criteria Required:

Those who are applying for the post of Development Assistant should hold a graduation degree with 60 percent marks. Candidates who are applying for the post of Development Assistant (Hindi) should hold a graduation degree in Hindi or English as a subject with 50% marks.

Here's how to check NABARD Recruitment 2019:

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the vacancies by visit the offical website at The application form for the post will begin from 14 September to 02 October 2019.

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