CAT 2018 Exam Result Announced! Check your results released by IIM; here’s the link
5 January 2019, 12:08 IST

CAT 2018 Exam Result Announced! Check your results released by IIM; here’s the link

Candidates who had appeared for the IIM CAT 2018 examination can check the result on the official website of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM Calcutta). As the results of the Common Admission Test (CAT) examinations have released now.

All the interested aspirants will have to log in to the official website at to check their results.

However, individual SMS will also be sent to candidates about their overall percentiles of the exam.

Candidates who have qualified the CAT 2018 exam are now eligible to get the admissions to the various IIM.

Soon, various IIMS will also release the shortlist for the admissions process for the aspirants as per the CAT score and other criteria.

Not only the IIMs but several non-IIMs will also consider the CAT score for the admissions to the management courses.

Here’s how to check CAT 2018 Exam Results:

1. Open the official website of IIM CAT at
2. Click on the link which allows you to check your results
3. Log in to your account
4. Click on OK
5. Your CAT score will appear on the page
6. Download your results
7. Take a printout for future references

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