BTSC Recruitment 2019: Huge vacancies released for Engineering aspirants; know all important details
10 April 2019, 11:05 IST

BTSC Recruitment 2019: Huge vacancies released for Engineering aspirants; know all important details

Bihar Technical Service Commission (BTSC) has released huge vacancies for over 6000 posts for Engineering aspirants. Therefore, interested candidates can submit their application form before the closing of the application window.

BTSC has invited applications for the posts of 6379 Junior Engineers.

Aspirants who want to apply for the vacancies can submit their application form on or before 15th April 2019.

Bihar Technical Service Commission has been constituted by the Bihar Technical Service Commission Act, 2014 which worked for the selection of candidates for the technical posts of Group 'B` and `C` under the State Government, Bihar.

Therefore, candidates who are having interest in this latest job opportunity released by BTSC is 15th April 2019.

Pay Scale:

The selected candidates will get Rs 4600 per month.

Note: To know more details about the salary structure, candidates can check the official notification at

Check out vacancy details:

There is a total of 6379 vacancies released for the post of Junior Engineer on the official website.

Category-wise vacancy details for Civil Engineers post:

Category-wise vacancy details for Mechanical Engineers:

Category-wise vacancy details for Electrical Engineers post:

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants should have 3 Year Polytechnic Diploma in Civil / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering.

Age Limit:

The minimu age limit to apply for the posts is 18. While the maximum age limit for the vacancies is 37 years for Male candidates. For female candidates, the maximum age limit is 40.

Application Fee:

Remember, the application fee will have to be filled through online mode only.

Also read: RRB JE Admit Card 2019: Check out the expected releasing date for your Junior Engineer exam hall ticket

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