AIIMS Recruitment 2019: Vacancies released for Science and Social Science stream aspirants; here’s post details
10 April 2019, 12:39 IST

AIIMS Recruitment 2019: Vacancies released for Science and Social Science stream aspirants; here’s post details

The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi has released a job notification for the aspirants who are belonging to the stream of Science and Social Sciences.

AIIMS, New Delhi has invited online application forms for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Statistician. The posts will be filled for the project at Centre of Excellence for Epilepsy, Phase-II, AIIMS, New Delhi.

Candidates who are eligible for the post can submit their resume before 20th and 22nd April 2019.

The application form should be filled through the prescribed format.

Check out vacancy details:

Know educational qualification:

For Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-

Applicants should have completed M.Sc. In any stream of Life Sciences with a minimum of two years of research experience or hold a degree of M.Pharma / M.Tech.

For Statistician-

Candidates who are applying for this position should have done M.Sc. (Statistics) / M.A. (Stat./Maths/Economics/Sociology with a stat as a paper). Also, have a good proficiency with English language and correction.

Age Limit:

Selection Procedure:

The selection of the aspirants will be based on their performance in the interview to be organised by the selection body.

Also read: AIIMS Recruitment 2019: New jobs for Postgraduate candidates! Appear for walk-in-interview on this date; read details

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