Scary Video: Girl trapped between railings by neck, dangles from third floor balcony and....!
28 January 2019, 16:19 IST

Scary Video: Girl trapped between railings by neck, dangles from third floor balcony and....!

In a nail-biting video, a girl hangs from the third floor of a building’s balcony, trapped between the railings. In the scary video, the girl can be seen hanging by her neck between railing of a balcony of third floor. The incident took place in southwest China's Yunlong county on Friday, reports CGTN.

"A little girl accidentally fell from her third floor apartment, trapping her neck between the railings in Yunlong county," wrote CGTN while sharing the video.

Well, thankfully, two men came for the rescue of the minor as an angel. In the video, the can be seen rescuing the child and she was taken out from the railings unharmed.

Watch nail biting video here:

In the short video, wo men are seen climbing a ladder to help her out. On social media the video went viral and many have applauded them as heroes. However, the girl’s identity is unknown.

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