Video: Power failed at hospital in mid of surgery; What doctor did next is quite shocking
18 February 2018, 14:42 IST

Video: Power failed at hospital in mid of surgery; What doctor did next is quite shocking

We have witnessed numerous hospital tragedy in last year. The Gorakhpur tragedy where 63children breathe their last to Max hospitals carelessness that they declared a new-born dead and handed baby with dead twins in a plastic bag. This incident has shaken us hard when we have to undergo any surgery or medical treatment.

Recently, another unfortunate incident came to light when a video of a Dr performing surgery under mobile torchlight went viral. This incident was unearthed on 10th February when the video got leaked out of OT and went viral on the Internet.

In that video clip, the Doctor is operating a surgery of a woman under mobile torch after the power of the hospital failed.


 Video: Power failed at hospital in mid of surgery; What doctor did next is quite shocking

According to Mumbai Mirror, doctors at Guntur General Hospital (GGH) continued a surgery of a woman undergoing a nose reconstruction surgery with the help of a mobile phone torchlight, as the power went off suddenly in the theatre.

As per the report, after the power failure, The generator back-up was turned on but was disrupted with MCB electrical repair work.

Hospital superintendent Dr. Devanaboina Shouri Raju Naidu told Mirror,
“This happened on second Saturday, which was a lean day. Electrical repair works were going on. This particular theatre had two operation beds. Suddenly, there was an MCB (miniature circuit breaker) tripping resulting in disruption to the power supply for four minutes to one bed, where a plastic surgery was going on for facial corrections.”

After which the operating Dr. Smitha Shankar turned on mobile torchlight and continued the operation.

Watch the video here:

However, It could have ended up worst but the Dr's quick thinking kept the situation under control. Hats-off to the Doctor

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