Did you know why hotels beds are covered with white sheets and not the coloured ones? The reason will amuse you
4 July 2018, 10:39 IST

Did you know why hotels beds are covered with white sheets and not the coloured ones? The reason will amuse you

If you are a consistent traveller and used to stay in hotels then did you notice that why beds are covered with white sheets? If yes, then did you know that what is the reason behind this? Well, we are going to tell you the reason behind this that why most the hotels didn’t use coloured bedsheets?



Check out some amusing reasons behind it:

1. Easy to clean:



Yes, white colour bedsheets can easily wash or bleached in comparison to other colour sheets.

2. Don’t hide stains


The reason behind using white colour bed sheets is that they don’t hide stains. Therefore, all the guests remain alert while eating food or doing any other thing bedsheet.

3. Enhance your love bonds



As we all know that white colours are the symbol of peace and relax and it also used during the honeymoon of the newlywed's couple bedroom. Therefore, it also increased the love bonding between the couple and also help them in forgetting all their worries.

4. Feel the luxury


As white colour requires the maintenance, therefore, hotels room can’t remain unclean because of which the guest also feel luxury after seeing that their bed is neat.

5. Keep your stress away


According to the Psychologists, white colour gives the relaxation and peace to mind. It will overcome all your worries and forget all your tension.

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