13 March 2018, 13:44 IST

34-year-old Snigdha Malik was exclusively breastfeeding her newborn, until a visit to the pediatrician revealed that the baby wasn’t gaining enough weight. Panicked, she immediately introduced formula milk in her baby’s diet. And why wouldn’t she – when her doctor gave her a compelling reason to do so. This is not a standalone case. An increasing number of new mothers are giving their newborns formula milk, some even abandoning breastfeeding completely.

Isn’t it ironical how despite aggressive marketing for exclusive breastfeeding the first six months, the reality is far from it? Breastfeeding is supposed to be a normal process but women are suffering because of ignorance – both from caregivers and hospital staff. 

According to Dr. Vijaya Krishnan, who is a certified professional midwife, USA, LCCE, FACCE, DPF, Healthy Mother Wellness & Care, “The newborn should be breastfed as much as possible in the first 48 hours (and the golden hour). That’s the most crucial period for both mother and her child. I actually know of nurses cleaning mother’s nipples with spirit-soaked cotton. Little do they realize that by doing so, they remove the familiar smell and make it even more challenging for the newborn to latch on to her mother’s breast."

Dr. Mahima Bakshi, women and child wellness consultant at Delhi’s Madhukar Rainbow Children’s Multispecialty feels enough is not being done to support new mothers to breastfeed. “Even the nursing staff doesn’t encourage the mother and provide enough support to make her feed frequently- instead they give formula feed to the baby if the mother is not feeling up to it. This is a common practice, especially in case of cesarean births.” The reality is that regular breastfeeding stimulates the breast glands and help produce milk.

She also emphasizes the importance of co-sleeping. “A baby should spend the maximum time next to the mother. In fact, I encourage mothers to make the baby lie next to their breast. This way the baby will get familiar with the breast smell. This bond goes a long way in ensuring healthy breastfeeding.”

In addition, mothers have to be prepared beforehand. Around 32 weeks, they should start massaging their breasts with olive oil. Lactation dolls are also extremely useful in the process – they all send signals to the brain and mentally stimulate the breast glands. Also, they should enrich their diet with lots of fluid, coconut, flaxseed and nuts.

When a mother sees a fussy baby even after feeding her too often or sees the baby struggle to latch on to her breast, it is natural for her to worry about her breast milk production. But preparing herself beforehand with support and encouragement from the caregiver can go a long way in ensuring a healthy mother-baby bond.

Don’t give up yet, mom – remember, breastfeeding is best!

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