Pakistan: Minor girl brutally assaulted by goons; suffers nasal fracture

News Agencies 27 May 2020, 22:24 IST

Pakistan: Minor girl brutally assaulted by goons; suffers nasal fracture

A Christian teenage girl was brutally beaten by local goons in Sabari Colony of Kasur city in Pakistan's Punjab province on Wednesday.

The victim suffered a nasal fracture and other severe injuries. A family member said that only females were present at home when the goons attacked them.

Rahat Austin, a local lawyer and human rights activist, tweeted, "A Christian family tortured by local Fanatics. A teenage girl is in critical condition. Police also has beaten and arrested the victim family when they asked for help."

When a female family member was asked about the incident, she replied: "They started bullying us and when we stopped them, they said -- 'Filthy Christians can't live here.' They started hitting us. Only ladies were present at home."

A male family member, who later went to file a complaint at the police station, said: "We went to the police station to register a complaint but they haven't listened to us. Even, the police apprehended one of our male family members and beat him. Police have filed a false complaint against him for carrying a pistol."

Christians in Pakistan have been facing discrimination for decades now. Those who dare to resist against the majority of Muslims, they are accused of blasphemy.

Christian communities remain among the poorest sections of the society and often still do menial jobs in Pakistan. Entire villages in parts of Punjab are Christian and their inhabitants work as labourers and farmhands.


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