Hilarious and Motivational: Super dads perform ballet dance to support lil angels

Speed News Desk 24 April 2023, 12:23 IST

Hilarious and Motivational: Super dads perform ballet dance to support lil angels

The world sees men as rough and tough beings with no emotions at all. Those who express their emotions are often seen as weak and vulnerable. When it comes to parenting, men always lose the battle as motherly love is closest to godly love.

Well, the above beliefs can be true, but the major fact is that kids spend their best time with dads. It might be true that fathers don’t know how to express emotions, but they can do anything to bring a smile to their child’s face. Daughters are always close to their old men, and the below-mentioned viral clip is proof of it, in which fathers performed ballet just to support their little angels and make them smile.

In the clip, fathers can be seen donning tutus and performing ballet dance with their daughters. They can be seen struggling with ballet’s hard steps but still practice with their daughters. The daughters can be seen smiling and enjoying the company of their old men. Not only that, but the ballet trainer also seems to enjoy the session.

Watch here.

The clip was shared on Twitter by an account named @Enezator with the caption, “legendary fathers”.

Since being shared the clip has raked up over 90,000 views and hundreds of likes with Twitter users hailing and praising the ‘super dads’ for supporting their little angels.

Here are some interesting comments.