Severe heat wave warning issued for Rajasthan

News Agencies 24 May 2020, 9:29 IST

Severe heat wave warning issued for Rajasthan

India Meteorological Department predicted that 'severe heatwave' condition is likely to prevail over Rajasthan on Sunday.

The weatherman further predicted that states such as Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Chandigarh are also likely to be hit by heatwave conditions.

"Heatwave conditions over some parts with the severe heatwave at isolated pockets very likely over Rajasthan and heatwave conditions in some parts very likely over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and Vidarbha during next 4-5 days; over Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Yanam and Telangana during next three days and over Marathwada and Rayalseema during next 2 days," the IMD stated in its All India Weather Warning Bulletin.

The weatherman further predicted that "heavy rainfall is likely to occur at isolated places over parts of northeastern states" and added, "heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places over adjoining parts of east India during 14th-18th May."

South Peninsular India is also likely to witness downpour between May 26-28,2020. 


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