Father's Day 2020: Know meaning and reason behind celebrating Father's Day

Speed News Desk 19 June 2020, 18:10 IST

Father's Day 2020: Know meaning and reason behind celebrating Father's Day

Each year in June the UK celebrate Father’s Day, and this time around the day falls on Sunday, 21st June. Father’s Day everytime falls on the third sunday of June in the UK. But in other places in the world, Father’s Day is celebrated on different dates.

On this day, people mark and celebrate fatherhood and paternal bonds. Father’s Day is much the same as Mother’s Day for fathers and is celebrated all over the world.

Father’s Day is a chance to display your respect and love towards your dad, or whoever has been a paternal figure in your life. The origin of Father’s Day goes back centuries across the world.

Why do we celebrate Father’s Day?

Celebration of fatherhood can be traced back to the middle ages. In Catholic Europe, religious observances were held on March 19th on St Joseph’s Day. This feast day commemorates Saint Josheph, the legal father of Jusus Christ.

Father’s Day in the United States is said to have begun after Grace Golden Clayton from West Virginia, USA, campaigned for a day to remember lost fathers.

Grace had recently lost her own father in a mining accident, and the first Father’s Day is thought to have taken place on 5th July 1908.

In 1910 another celebration happened across Spokane in Washington and was organised by Sonora Dodd.

Sonora Dodd is thought to have been inspired to mark Father’s Day after visiting a Mother’s Day service in 1909.

Years later, Father’s Day officially became a national holiday after it was signed into law in the US in 1972.

How do people celebrate Father’s Day?

Most people just try and spend time with their fathers on this day.

On Father’s Day, some people also tend to mark the occasion with gifts and cards.

Some people choose to mark the day with a trip outside in order spend time with their fathers.

This year because of the lockdown people won’t be able to visit a restaurant or go to the cinema for Father’s Day like they usually might. However, there are still many ways to celebrate Father’s Day while the lockdown is in place.

Because of social distancing norms, many people will be visiting their father’s outside such as in gardens or out on a walk. But for people who won’t be able to meet their fathers in-person, many people will have planned other ways to celebrate.

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