Ryan International School, Gurugram: 5 ways how you can save your kids from sexual assault in schools

Speed News Desk 9 September 2017, 11:58 IST

Ryan International School, Gurugram: 5 ways how you can save your kids from sexual assault in schools

In a recent shocking incident that happened in Ryan International School in Gurugram, a seven-year-old kid was murdered by a bus conductor. The kid was found dead in the washroom of the school which was also used by the drivers and peons in the school. After the investigation, police arrested the bus conductor who claimed to have sexually assaulted the child the kid in the school toilet but when he tried to alarm, the conductor killed him with a knife.

It's high time parents start talking to their children regarding physical abuse. By educating the kids and telling them what is wrong or right parents can reduce the risk of their children being assaulted. Here are 5 ways how you can save your child from being abused.

1. Encourage your children to talk to you about how their day at school went

Teach your child to talk to you about their day at school daily. Try to build a bond with them so that they do not feel uncomfortable in talking about any topic. It is your responsibility to take a strict action against any unacceptable behavior by others to your child.

2. Make them aware of their private body parts

It will be uncomfortable at first but it is necessary to communicate with your children regarding their private body parts. Give knowledge to your children about their genitals. Try to teach your children that these parts should never be touched by other people except when you need help in the bathroom, are getting dressed, or when you go to the doctor.

3. The right and the wrong touch

Make it clear to your children that which type of touch is ok and which is not. Ask them to talk about if anyone in the school or in the family are touching them in inappropriate places. Teach your little ones how to say "Stop," "All done," and "No more."

4. Teach them about trust

Talk to your kids about whom you and they trust and teach them that danger can also come from someone they trust. Ask them to talk to an adult when they feel that they have been wrongly touched by someone.

5. Report immediately about any abuse

It is your duty as parents to watch out for signs that do not look normal and talk to your kids about that. If you thing something is or might be a sexual abuse, report about it as soon as possible because if you will not, noone else will.