Man sexually harasses minor girls on Instagram, demands private pics; cyber cell arrests accused

Speed News Desk 27 March 2023, 10:43 IST

Man sexually harasses minor girls on Instagram, demands private pics; cyber cell arrests accused

New Delhi: The Delhi police have arrested a 22-year-old man, Jatin, from his hometown of Kapurthala in Punjab for allegedly sexually harassing minor girls on Instagram. The accused was reportedly working as a waiter in the UAE for the past three years.

Threatening minors for "sexual favours"
According to the police, the accused used to threaten minors with the sharing of their morphed nude photos on social media if they did not meet his demands of "sexual favours".

The matter came to light in February when a minor girl complained that an unidentified Instagram user was blackmailing her with nine different Instagram IDs.

The modus operandi of the accused
The unknown suspect used to create morphed nude photographs of the victim and send them on her Instagram account. The accused would then demand the victim's nudes by threatening to make her morphed nudes go viral in her school group. The victim, fearing the consequences, sent her nudes to him.

However, after receiving her photographs, the accused began demanding sex from her and asked her to meet him in a hotel in Paharganj. The girl refused and reported the incident to her parents and teachers.

The investigation
The victim's father approached the Cyber West police station, and a case was registered. The police team established communication with Meta Platforms Inc. and obtained the details of the suspect's Instagram IDs.

It was discovered that the accused had registered all the Instagram IDs using a UAE mobile number. With the help of the technical surveillance team, his identity was revealed, and a raid was conducted, resulting in his arrest.

Confession from the accused
During interrogation, the accused confessed to his crime and disclosed that he had been indulging in blackmailing minor girls based in India while working as a waiter in the UAE for the last three years.

The arrest of the accused is a significant breakthrough in the case of cybercrime against minors. The Delhi police have once again shown their efficiency in solving such heinous crimes. It is essential to create awareness among minors and their parents about the dangers of social media and the precautions they should take to avoid such incidents. and to ensure that the culprits are held accountable for their actions.

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Delhi: Man uses fake social media account to meet girls, held