Twitter submits written apology to house panel for incorrectly showing Ladakh as part of China

Speed News Desk 19 November 2020, 10:58 IST

Twitter submits written apology to house panel for incorrectly showing Ladakh as part of China

American microblogging and social networking service Twitter has furnished a written apology to a joint parliamentary committee for wrongly showing Ladakh as part of China.

According to India Today, the microblogging site has told the Parliamentary Committee on Personal Data Protection that it will fix its error by 30th November.

Addressing the issue, Parliamentary panel's chairperson and BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi stated that Twitter has apologised in writing for showing Ladakh in China.

"Twitter's affidavit signed by Damien Karien, Chief Privacy Officer of Twitter Inc, for wrong geo-tagging of India's map," Meenakshi Lekhi said.

"Twitter has apologised for hurting Indian sentiments and has sworn to correct the error by November 30, 2020," she said.

Also Read: Twitter: Locked Amit Shah's account due to inadvertent error, restored immediately