China deploys additional forces on Ladakh border, India prepares for extended tussle

Speed News Desk 1 July 2020, 17:59 IST

China deploys additional forces on Ladakh border, India prepares for extended tussle

China has positioned two division of its mechanised forces along the line of control in Ladakh and regardless of the ongoing talks, there has been no cutting back of its troop strength in the region that his now at the heart of an aggrieved fall out with India.

The Indian security forces are also keeping an eye on the movement of Chinese troops in the rare positions in Tibet and Xinjiang province where an added 10,000 troops have been performing exercises for quite some time.

“Along with the 20,000 troops deployed at our borders, the Chinese also have an extra division of troops ready in the Northern Xinjiang province who can be brought to the Indian positions within 48 hours,” top government sources told Aajtak and India Today TV.

India will now monitor these additional troop movements as it calls into question the intent of the Chinese military, said sources.

India has also positioned not less than two additional infantry division to contradict the Chinese activities in the region, the sources said. India is also putting together its troops for a long distance deployment by equipping them with extreme weather outfit, the sources said.

According to sources, India has moved in additional tank and armoured regiments in the Ladakh area to respond to the Chinese deployment along the Ladakh border.

The tanks and armoured personnel carriers have been moved right up to the front line where they have been placed opposite the Chinese build up in areas such as Galwan valley and PP-15, the sources said.

In the Pangong Tso and finger area, the Indian side has built up to match the Chinese presence there as they have brought in almost brigade-size troops with majority of them occupying strategic heights for area control.

Also Read: Indian Navy to send dozen high-powered steel boats to match heavier Chinese vessels in Ladakh