Watch Britney Spears treadmill workout that helps her build lower-body muscle

Speed News Desk 17 July 2018, 18:41 IST

Watch Britney Spears treadmill workout that helps her build lower-body muscle

'Hips Don't Lie' singer works hard to give her best while performing on stage. To give her best, she needs lot of energy and stamina. The pop star is famous for her dance-heavy shows since the late ’90s.

She regularly posts pictures of her various workouts on Instagram—recently took an Equinox Precision Running treadmill class, Us Weekly reports.

The class was inspired by track and field workouts and incorporates HIIT, speed, and hill intervals—all essential for becoming a stronger and faster runner.

The class starts with a warmup, followed by 38 minutes of running that is broken up into two or three speed or incline intervals and a cooldown, according to Us.

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“In a nutshell, hills are important because they create variety and intensity, which improves your endurance, anaerobic capacity, speed, power, running economy, and overall strength,” according to Susan Paul, training program director at Track Shack in Orlando, Florida.

Hill running will improve your form, which aids in muscle development. The same can be said about intervals workouts.

These types of workouts add variety into your running schedule, keeps things fun and interesting.

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