Man’s penis just falls off after ignoring signs of cancer

Speed News Desk 13 August 2018, 14:38 IST

Man’s penis just falls off after ignoring signs of cancer

Now, this is every man's worst nightmare. After developing an ulcer on his penis, a man waited a year before seeking medical help.

We cannot even imagine is something like this even happens for real.

A man's penis just fell off because he ignored the signs of cancer which caused it to rot away.

This 82-year-old man from India went to the hospital with a wound on his genital region 15 days after first seeking help.

Initially, he went to a clinic where he told doctors he had an ulcer on his penis that developed 12 months previously and hadn’t disappeared.

The patient was also suffering from severe swelling and skin shedding from several months.



He was prescribed antibiotics and doctors drained the pus-filled swelling next to his penis.

However, 2 weeks later, he again went to the hospital as there was no relief and his pain worsened because of the ulcer on his penis had become so bad that it caused it to fall off.

“Clinical examination revealed almost complete loss of phallus,” Dr Gaurav Garg, from Kin George’s Medical University in India, wrote in the BMJ case report.

There was an abscess on the right side of the man’s groin and hard lumps on the left side.

He informed that there wasn't any kind of history with sexually transmitted infection or trauma in his life.

Checkups and tests on the “residual penile stump” revealed the man had squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

Since he didn't have his penis, there was a challenge for him to urinate properly as cancer damaged the urethra, so doctors performed surgery to construct a catheter to allow him to use the bathroom.

The cancer was too far along for it to be treated and the man was offered palliative care.

He died 15 days later though.

“In the present case, the patient neglected his initial symptoms and eventually developed penile auto-amputation (his penis fell off), inguinal abscess and widespread metastasis,” Dr Garg added.

“Auto-amputation of the penis can occur either due to tumour embolism blocking end arteries or due to direct tumour invasion.”

Dr Garg added it was likely the man allowed his condition to worsen due to a lack of knowledge about available medical treatments and social stigma.

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