Alert! Don't sit for long hours. New studies reveal sitting all day can seriously damage your brain

Speed News Desk 17 April 2018, 14:50 IST

Alert! Don't sit for long hours. New studies reveal sitting all day can seriously damage your brain

Yes. You read it right. earlier, we heard that "prolonged standing" is bad for the health. But now, As per the new medical research, it is revealed that "prolonged sitting" is bad for us, too.

The scientists from Curtin University in Australia conducted a research and found that people who sit for 2 hours at a stretch while they are at work at their workplace or at home, experience discomfort along with mental illness.

When you're working, try and take a break on every 30 minutes, and at least walk for 5 minutes, as suggested by experts. It won't matter how much you exercise, or how healthy your diet is, sitting for a long duration of time is dangerous and also can cause early death.

According to the researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles found that too much sitting can damage the part of your brain which can impact on loss of memory.

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A thinning of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) - a region of the brain often implicated in the formation of new memories.

Following are the various ways it impacts your health

1. Consistent sitting at your workplace or in front of the television increases your weight.

2. Not to mention, it can also cause a backache. You should at least walk for 10 minutes after sitting for 30 minutes.

3. When you sit for a long duration, it can also cause leg disorders.

4. Currently, it is not clear yet for how long duration of sitting can cause mental illness but surely it affects as per the new study. So, better not to take any chances and keep on moving.

5. Heart diseases, poor posture and memory loss are also some of the factors which are caused by the consistent sitting.

"Sit less, move more" is what the American Heart Association encourages all of us to do. But this simplistic guideline doesn't quite cut it, said Keith Diaz, lead author of the new study and an associate research scientist in the Columbia University Department of Medicine.

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