These signs may help you know your Best Friends Forever

Mohit Mohanan 23 July 2018, 13:44 IST

These signs may help you know your Best Friends Forever

Lets take a simple observation to know our friends who can go to the extend to save and respect our friendship.

There are some people in your life you want to be in touch with. You like to hang out with them just because you want them in your life.

However, there are only a few people or just that one person that you want to be best friends with.

Now, the question is ..do you know who is that person for you?

Don't worry because this article will help you know if your friend is actually a friend or not or someone who's really fun and interesting now, but will eventually fade out of life.

Just like romantic relationships, finding the BFF version of "'till death do us part" can be tricky.

Watch out for these signs.

Hangout together


If your friend / BFF is really bad at making plans, but still wants to hang out with you and really seems to enjoy it, then you have a buddy who wants to be with as much as he/she can.

You both should feel like you're equally deserving and invested in your friendship. Plus make sure that you're with a right company.

Friends have to respect and love their relationship. They should not feel like that at every moment ''the give-and-take' of friendship needs to balance out over time.

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Don’t disappear


Friendship never remains static over time. In fact, as the time passes, things changes, and when it changes, it changes everything in the process.

However, friends (BFF) are supposed to remain the same to each other. There are always exceptions though, but good friends do try to manage some time to stay in touch with their friends and to explain their absences when they’re romantically involved or exceptionally busy for other reasons.

Note: It is not a friendship if your priorities don't involve YOU.

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Know your friend


You should be aware of the fact that your friend needs you and you have to be there for him/her because they are expecting you when they're not in a good place.

At times, it happens when some of your friends forget that you just went through a breakup when they show off their new boyfriend, but what it really does it affects them emotionally when your behaviour is changed the moment you got into a relationship.

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Ask for help anytime


Helping your BFF is pretty important specially when they ask for it. If you're not asking for it then you two aren't that close you use to think. You should share everything, even if you have any dark secrets.

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Make adjustments


You adjust in any situation, whatever big life changes come your way. You don't make a mess out of it. There is a possibility that you probably won't be in the same location 24/7, especially as you get older.

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You know each others family


If you have a best friend and he/she doesn't know about your family, then you're not actually best friends. Today, parents also get evolved with their kid's life and the friends they are hangout out with. It feels nice when you watch your friend having fun with your family and coming to sleep over.

Note: There is always a time when you should introduce your friend to your family. Never rush in such things. Make sure that your friend is that worthy enough to meet your family.

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Got your back


Even when your family is not supporting you in any matter, then it is your friend who shows up. He/she will convince your family, just because he/she knows what is actually good or bad for you. Your friend knows your strength so he/she will always have your back.

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A 'friend'


Many people will fall in your friend list, probably the ones from your childhood, school days, college days or even if your colleague. It is not necessary that people from your childhood will turn out to be your best friend.

Multiple survey report has revealed that 20% of people have been betrayed by their childhood friends too, 30% by school friends and 30 % from college. So, don't trust everyone, you will know your best friend eventually. Just watch out for these sign.

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