UPSC IAS Prelims Exam 2019: Prepared or not? Check these last minutes tips to crack India’s toughest exam

Speed News Desk 1 June 2019, 11:14 IST

UPSC IAS Prelims Exam 2019: Prepared or not? Check these last minutes tips to crack India’s toughest exam

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Civil Services prelims exam date is just one day to go. Now, it’s time to start revision for what you’ve prepared from the last few months. Also, candidates have to overcome their fear, tension, exam pressure and say goodbye to all negative thoughts that are bustling in you.

It is necessary for each and every student to calm themselves first and also have faith.

If you’re also sailing in the same boat then worried for your UPSC IAS prelims exam then we have brought some tips that can help you in cracking Indian’s toughest exam.

Check out some last minutes tips for preparation:

1. Revise your notes

At last moment, IAS aspirants should revise notes that have been made since the preparation started.

2. Practice mock paper and previous years question papers:

Candidates should solve the last years' questions because it might be possible that any question could be asked this year exam.

3. Time Management:

It is necessary for the candidates to answer the question in accordance with exam duration. As UPSC Civil Services exam will be conducted in offline mode.

4. Don't haste while reading the question paper:

Examinees should keep in mind that don't hurry while reading the questions. Stay calm and cool, read questions thoroughly.

5. Take proper rest a day before exam:

It is mandatory for each and every aspirant to sleep well so that next day they can give their best without any anxiety and pressure.

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