TN HSC Result 2018: It’s official! Tamil Nadu Class 12th students will get their results in third week of May; see details

Speed News Desk 5 May 2018, 7:51 IST

TN HSC Result 2018: It’s official! Tamil Nadu Class 12th students will get their results in third week of May; see details

Tamil Nadu students who are waiting for their High School Certificate (HSC) Class 12 result then, here is a good news for you that Board has announced the result declaration date. According to the official website, the result is declared in the third week of May.

As per the official website, Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) will announce the result for the same class on 16th May 2018. Therefore, students who had appeared for the examination can check their respective result on the official website of TNHSC. As the official website uploads the result then only candidates can check their result.

If you are also among those students who sat for the examination and getting impatient that how and when to check our results then we are here to give you the solution by following the below steps you can check your results easily.

Here are some steps that should be followed while checking your Tamil Nadu HSC Class 12th results:

I. Open the official website of the TN board at tnresults.nic.in
II. Click on the link for checking your HSC Class 12th result 2018
III. Enter your roll number and other details asked on the page
IV. Click on submit
V. Your result will be displayed on the official page
VI. Check your result and download it
VII. Take a printout for future reference

This year the TNHSC Class 12th 2018 exam was conducted from 3 March to 6 April 2018.

Besides, the official website, students can also check their results on these websites also. Here is the list:

  • tamil-nadu.indiaresults.com
  • dge.tn.gov.in
  • dge1.tn.nic.in
  • examresults.net
  • tnresults.nic.in

Talking about last year, there were a total of 9,82,097 students had appeared for the Class XII exams and their highest passing percentage reached to 98.55 followed by 98.17 percent last year.

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