Protect your furry friend from toxic Holi colors

Mohit Mohanan 26 February 2018, 13:20 IST

Protect your furry friend from toxic Holi colors

The festival of colors is around the corner and we are all set to enjoy. There is a different kind of excitement in this festival which can be seen among Indians. The celebration with colors is always special when our loved ones are with us at this time because festival doesn't seem like a festival without family,  friends and our pets. No one likes to be alone at this time and also such festivals bring people very colorfully closely. However, this festival has also got its flaws.

If I have to be straight, I would say that Holi colors are not only harmful to your skin, but also for your pets. Everyone knows this fact.  There are many people who don't like to play Holi because the colors which are used during the festival are made of chemicals. So, now think about it, when human feels this way about the festival, then what would it be like for the animals who won't be able to stop others from throwing colors on them.

Let's try not to turn happiness into pain and suffering for your lovable pets.

You have to be very careful because chemicals of Holi colors are harmful to us, it can be even more dangerous to the little ones.

The fact

It is no surprise that the substances which are used in the colors to play Holi are not good for the skin. The powder itself is made with synthetic colors and many others which are available in the market. It is actually made by mixing various chemicals like Zinc, Lead and Mercury Sulphate.

Also Read: Holi 2018: How to Prepare Eco-friendly Organic Holi Colours

If you will throw colors on animals, they tend to lick it which is fallen on the floor or they lick their own colored body but in reality, they are consuming toxins. These chemicals can also cause skin allergies, rashes or even blindness in people and animals. 

Here are a few tips for you to protect your furry friend on this festival

Keep your pet inside the house


It would be better if you keep your pet inside the house. It is better not to let them go outside because why take chances. At times, people throw water balloons at them. Getting hit with colored powder or water colored balloons isn’t fun for animals. Also, don't throw any color or water balloons on any stray animals and if you see anyone throwing colors, stop them immediately.

What you can do is, you can pick up a corner of the house where no one will come and scare the pet even if you are playing Holi. Many pets prefer to hide in a corner because they get scared.

Also Read: Use these digital platforms to make your Holi celebration special with your loved ones

Educate kids


Teach children not to throw the color powder or water balloons at animals. Kids may not realize that this frightens and hurts animals in many ways. Holi is a very exciting festival for kids and they love to throw colors on whatever they see. It is very important for school teachers to teach these values to kids.

Create awareness/spread awareness


Ask your locality and housing associations or building managers to put up notices that remind tenants to keep their animal companions inside their house during the festival and never throw water balloons at animals.

Animals can easily inhale the powder color, which can cause nasal irritation and respiratory allergies or infections. Animals who ingest it while grooming themselves can suffer from stomach ailments or other illnesses or even die. Drinking water colored by the powder can also cause hair loss and dermatitis in your furry friend.

Also Read: This year, celebrate Holi festival with a touch of royalty

Watch out for community dogs and strays


If by any chance someone applied color on your pet or if you see any animal who gets the powder in his or her eyes, quickly flush them out with clean water. If irritation persists, inform a veterinarian for immediate medical care.

Use shampoo


Using shampoo is a good option to remove coloured powder from animals’ hair and fur. However, one has to done it in a right manner. A good gentle animal-friendly shampoo should get the powder out of an animal’s hair. Never use any chemical or kerosene, alcohol or hair oil. Do it gently with your hands. Preferably, use a mild shampoo.

Don't serve sweets and fried stuff to animals’


Sweets are not good for animals, specially not for dogs. Give dogs only canine-friendly treats this Holi. Ingredients like cream, chocolate and raisins can make them sick and can damage their fur. Not even fried food like sweets, fried or high calorie foods do not go well with the digestive system of the pets.



Wishing you a very happy and safe animal-friendly Holi, friends!

Read More: http://www.catchnews.com/amp/lifestyle-news/how-about-adding-some-walnuts-in-your-festive-dessert-100729.html