Funny Video: What would you have done?

Speed News Desk 24 February 2024, 20:42 IST

Funny Video: What would you have done?

When street crime weaves its way into the tapestry of daily life, even mundane encounters can transform into momentarily alarming episodes.

Unexpected Humor Unfolds
In a video capturing a seemingly routine stroll, two strangers approached each other on a street. Just as their paths were set to intersect, a touch of humour decided to crash the scene.


The Sly Pocket Move
The man on the right executed a sly manoeuvre, slipping his hand into his back pocket. The unsuspecting pedestrian on the left caught off guard, instinctively raised his hands in surrender.

Olympic-Style Escape
Without a second thought, the startled pedestrian transformed the situation into a spontaneous sprint down the street, displaying a sudden burst of athleticism reminiscent of Olympic preparation.

The Perplexed Puppeteer
Left alone with a key in hand, the man who initiated the pocket manoeuvre stood bewildered. Little did he anticipate that his simple gesture would steal the spotlight in this hilarious street theatre.