Viral Video: Leopard cub pulls a classic baby move, mother leopard not amused

Speed News Desk 23 March 2023, 13:56 IST

Viral Video: Leopard cub pulls a classic baby move, mother leopard not amused

In a recent video, a mother leopard was spotted herding her two cubs across a busy road. But it seems that one of the cubs had other plans, as it decided to plop down right in the middle of the road like a classic baby move.

As any human mother can attest, raising young children can be quite an adventure. One minute, everything is going smoothly and the next, your baby decides to throw a tantrum or just lay down on the floor and refuse to move.


And it seems that animal mothers like this leopard have to deal with the same kind of baby shenanigans. This little cub, like a typical baby, was following its mood and decided that the middle of the road was the perfect place to relax.

But of course, the mother leopard was not amused. She nudged the cub repeatedly, trying to get it to move along with its sibling. It's clear that she knows the dangers of lingering too long in one place, especially with a road full of vehicles waiting for them.

In the end, the mother leopard managed to coax her wayward cub back to its feet and get them safely across the road.

It's a hilarious reminder that no matter what species you are, raising babies is never easy.

So, next time you see a baby taking a nap in the middle of the grocery store aisle or throwing a fit in a restaurant, just remember that even the fiercest of animals deal with the same baby behaviour. And kudos to all the mothers out there, human and animal alike, for putting up with it all!