Couple encounters spooky figure in 'haunted’ park

Speed News Desk 21 December 2022, 11:32 IST

Couple encounters spooky figure in 'haunted’ park

A couple came across a ghostly figure while they were walking their dogs in a 'haunted' UK park. Hannah Rowett, aged 52, and her husband, Dave, were out late at night walking their pet dog in the park when they encountered a smoky figure crawling across the path of the country park. It is supposedly 'haunted by a spirit called Grey Lady', as per Daily Mail.

The couple were with their dogs in Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, earlier this month when she felt that they were not alone. It is then that she took out her phone and what she captured was this eerie ‘ghostly figure’.

The video has gone viral on social media. While you cannot clearly fathom what exactly the smoky figure is, however it appears that something was crawling and it had long limbs. Mr Rowett, who is a paranormal sceptic, admitted his hair 'stood up on end' when he saw the footage. After watching the footage, he was convinced that ghosts do exist.


“Initially I thought it was a dog, but then as I look at it, it's more a human-type form. Dave was still getting one of the dogs out of the car and I just sensed I wasn't on my own. I took a photo and as I did it went across the camera.

It's quite demonic in the way it's crawling and has long limbs. It never changes its form. If it was smoke it would change. I followed it with my torch, watched it back, then turned to Dave and said, 'I've just seen a ghost and I've got it on camera'.

I didn't feel scared. When I sense things I always get my camera out because you don't always see things with the naked eye. That's why I caught it,” Hannah told Daily Mail.

What do you think about the video?

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