Baby elephant denies to sleep; watch jumbo’s adorable activities

Speed News Desk 19 October 2021, 15:40 IST

Baby elephant denies to sleep; watch jumbo’s adorable activities

Looking for animal videos that will make your day then this viral video will surely help you. A video of a baby elephant has surfaced on the Internet which is reminding netizens of their childhood days.

In the video, the elephant vehemently refuses to take a sleep despite completing all of its activities.

The baby elephant named Kinyei’s cute activities is completely relatable to human children who also do the same activities when they are forced to sleep early.

In the video, the jumbo can be seen trying to climb the window while a man is trying to remain inside the window.

The clip goes viral after Sheldrick Wildlife Trust shared the video on Instagram. The video was posted with detailed information in the caption.

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“Kinyei is simply not ready to go to sleep! She’s had her evening milk bottles, her best friends are already tucked in next door, all around her, the Nursery is quieting down… But this fun-loving girl saw her window of opportunity to protest bedtime — and she climbed right through it! Kinyei’s story began three years ago when a group on a game drive spotted a newborn elephant wandering precariously close to a pride of lions. She was all alone, and as soon as the lions felt compelled, she would have made very easy prey. Fortunately, fate intervened, and little Kinyei is now brightening our every day,” the caption reads.

Watch Video:


Meanwhile, the viral video of Kinyei has amassed over 71,000 views on Instagram. While people are pouring love over the antics of the elephants and also sharing several emojis for the baby elephant.

One of the users said, “Just love them when they are so playful! Just like human toddlers.”

Another commented, “OMG!! This is hysterical!!! What a darling personality!”

What’s your view on this viral video?

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