Indo-Pak Border Tension: US condemns infiltration across LoC, supports dialogue between India, Pakistan

News Agencies 5 March 2021, 10:27 IST

Indo-Pak Border Tension: US condemns infiltration across LoC, supports dialogue between India, Pakistan

The United States on Thursday (local time) condemned terrorists who seek to infiltrate across the Line of Control and supported a dialogue between India and Pakistan.

"We condemn terrorists who seek to infiltrate across the Line of Control. We continue to support direct dialogue between India and Pakistan on Kashmir and other areas of concern," said US State Department spokesperson Ned Price.

Price further informed that they are following the developments in J-K closely and suggested both India and Pakistan should reduce tensions along the Line of Control.

"We have continued to follow very closely developments in Jammu and Kashmir. Our policy towards the region has not changed. We call on all parties to reduce tensions along the Line of Control by returning to the 2003 ceasefire commitments. We condemn terrorists who seek to infiltrate across the Line of Control," said Price.

Earlier on Wednesday, the US had welcomed the steps taken by India to return the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir (J-K) to full economic and political normalcy consistent with the country's democratic values.


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