Donald Trump on Kim Jong Un's health: I do have very good idea but can't talk about it now

Speed News Desk 28 April 2020, 11:51 IST

Donald Trump on Kim Jong Un's health: I do have very good idea but can't talk about it now

As supposition about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s health continues to circulate, US President Donald Trump has now stated that he is fully privy to his health status.

While speaking at the White House media interaction on Monday, the US President stated, “I can't tell you exactly - yes, I do have a very good idea but I can't talk about it now. I just wish him well.”

There have been widespread rumours about Kim Jong Un’s health while some have even surmised his death after the North Korean leader missed the important event of his grandfather’s birth anniversary celebration on 15th April. He has on no occasion missed the event since he assumed power in 2011.

There have reports suggesting the Kim Jong Un went through a heart surgery and has been unwell ever since.

While there have been no official statement from North Korea on his health, South Korea has said the Kim Jong Un is ‘alive and well’.

Here and now, the US President has stated that he cannot talk about the health of Kim Jong Un but is aware of the situation.

“I have had a very good relationship with Kim Jong Un. If I weren't president you would be... You would have been in war with Korea. You would have been in war with North Korea if I wasn't president that I can tell you. He expected that. That I can tell you,” Trump said.

“I hope he's fine. I do know how he's doing relatively speaking. We will see You will probably be hearing in the not-too-distant future,” Trump added.

Earlier, reports cited satellite images to say that a train likely belonging to the North Korean leader has been parked at his compound on the country’s east coast.

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