5 Myths that you believe increase your phone's battery life

Speed News Desk 29 May 2018, 13:02 IST

5 Myths that you believe increase your phone's battery life


Myths surround us from all the sides. False information and opinions make ways into human brains faster than the logical truth. There are so many things said about increasing the battery life of mobile phones. The life of a battery is limited and so is its life and with the ever-increasing features in the latest mobile devices, one thing that people want more and more is the battery life.

However, whenever the battery life of a phone is increased the design of the phone is compromised. Here we have listed some of the myths that people believe about increasing the battery-life:

1.Leaving your phone for charging overnight will damage the battery


This can only happen if you are using a decade old smartphone in 2018. The modern day devices are better at managing power. Leaving your phone for charging overnight will do no harm but can rather be beneficial for your phone's battery-life.



2. You need to wait for the battery to completely discharge to charge it


How many of you are guilty of doing this? This is a common notion among people. Modern mobile phones use Lithium-ion battery which doesn’t care when you’re putting your phone on charge. It’s true that Li-ion battery diminishes in capacity every time it’s charged. But that effect isn’t noticeable.



3. Using the official brand charger to charge your phone


This is nothing but more of a brand strategy of mobile companies to sell more of their products. Any dependable third-party charger will serve your battery equally good. However, a really bad sub-standard charger can give your mobile phone a really hard time.


4. Disable Bluetooth or Wi-fi to improve the battery life


It’s true that disabling these features will save your battery to some extent. But the contribution is too little to be considered. It will only save half an hour a day! So, now it's upon you to decide, is it worth it?


5. Killing Apps or use an app cleaner to improve battery life

This one is yet another trick developed by App companies to fool mobile phone users into using these otherwise worthless apps.

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