Congress will change in its working style in Kerala, says state chief Sudhakaran

News Agencies 10 September 2021, 10:33 IST

Congress will change in its working style in Kerala, says state chief Sudhakaran

After a two-day workshop of fourteen newly elected District Congress Committee presidents in Neyyar Dam in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president K Sudhakaran on Thursday said that the party will bring a complete change in its working style.

Warning against any violation of the party discipline, the KPCC president said that strict disciplinary actions will be taken against the violators. "Party will monitor factional meetings and strict actions will be taken against those who violate party discipline without considering their position in the party," he stated.

The KPCC chief further said that disciplinary committees will be set up at a district and state level and the workers and leaders of the party can express their opinion in the party forum. "Expressing opinion in social media, news channels or through any public platform will not be allowed," he added.

Reacting to the allegation regarding the insufficient representation of women in the party, Sudhakaran said that the KPCC has decided to reserve one panchayat in each of the 140 constituencies for women.

"Multiple positions in the party will not be allowed at a time. There are irregularities in some Congress-ruled cooperative societies. The discrepancies will be addressed and rectified. Cooperative cells will be set up in each district to monitor those societies," he stated.

In the wake of the factional feud within the party regarding the elections of DCC presidents last month and the allegation of senior Congress leaders like Oommen Chandy and Ramesh Chennithala for not holding proper discussions prior to selections, the KPCC president said that all the issues within the party had been settled.


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