UP: Man performs last rites for his pet parrot

News Agencies 12 March 2018, 10:27 IST

UP: Man performs last rites for his pet parrot

As a mark of love and gratitude for his beloved parrot who passed away, a man in Uttar Pradesh's Amroha performed its last rites as per Hindu rituals.

Pankaj Kumar Mittal, a teacher by profession who lives in Amroha's Hasanpur, also organised a 'havan' and 'bhoj' (feast) on Sunday, after his parrot died on March 5.

Mittal said, "I adopted it five years ago when it could not fly because of leg injury, treated him even better than my son."

The Mittal family took the mortal remains of the deceased parrot to Ganga Ghat and performed all the rituals there.

They not only cremated the parrot as per Hindu rites, but also organised a prayer meet.