JNU Violence: Delhi Police identifies nine suspects who carried out attack on students, teachers

Speed News Desk 10 January 2020, 18:16 IST

JNU Violence: Delhi Police identifies nine suspects who carried out attack on students, teachers

In a huge turn of events in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) violence case, Delhi Police on Friday uncovered pictures of nine people suspected of conducting violence against JNU students and professors on 5th January. JNU Students’ Union president Aishe Ghosh has also been mentioned in the list of accused. Out of nine people named by the Delhi Police, seven belong to the Left wing while the two are from the Right wing.

During the press conference, Delhi Police’s special team head Joy Tirkey stated that the four establishments which includes SFI and AISA of the JNUSU are largely accountable for the violence . He also mentioned that a particular WhatsApp group named 'Unity Against Left' was created ahead of the Sunday's violence and its admin is one of the accused in the violence.

Joy Tirkey then revealed the identities of nine suspects in the case and showed their pictures to the press. Seven of the suspected people are from the Left wing while two of them are affiliated with Right wing.

He also mentioned that the probe is currently taking place in the matter and the police will hold more press briefings in the future with more developments in the case.

Delhi Police PRO MS Randhawa stated that a lot of trumped-up story is being circulated around on social media vis-a-vis the police probe in the recent JNU violence. In order to put things into perspective, the police have released pictures of the suspected individuals and discussed the course of investigations.

Randhawa confirmed that the Crime Branch is currently investigating the violence that took place late Sunday evening in which over 34 JNU students and faculty members were injured.

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