Maths Phobia? This simple viral trick on Twitter will help you in solving tough equations in an easy way!

Speed News Desk 9 March 2019, 11:56 IST

Maths Phobia? This simple viral trick on Twitter will help you in solving tough equations in an easy way!

Mathematics is always the toughest subject for many students because of long equations and their solutions, percentage etc. Also, it is one of the weakest subjects of many students who just passed the examination with grace.

Someone has correctly said that nothing is ‘impossible’ and especially when it is the era of technology and our Google guru. All problems have been solved with the help of the Internet and of course, social media where one can find any solution and also gets updated with current happenings.

If you are having a Mathematics phobia then a tweet is doing the round on social media which can help in solving complicated sums in an easy method.

A Twitter user named Ben Stephens has grabbed the attraction of the Twitterati for sharing the easy way to solve Maths questions and all are loving it.

He shared an example for calculating percentage with its solution on his Twitter account.
Ben wrote, ‘if you needed to work out 4% of 75 in your head, just flip it and do 75% of 4, which is easier.’

See tweet:


However, his formula has attracted more than 11,600 likes and 4,000 retweets.

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