A Reddit user’s ex-girlfriend asked him to pay Netflix bill from an unknown number; what happened next will tickle your funny bones

Speed News Desk 12 January 2019, 11:56 IST

A Reddit user’s ex-girlfriend asked him to pay Netflix bill from an unknown number; what happened next will tickle your funny bones

The craze for online streaming among youths is kept on increasing. People have started streaming several web series on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar and many other.

However, to have the benefits of these people have to take the subscription for it and have to recharge again when it finished.

A funny incident has come to light when a Reddit user has received a message from an unknown number which asked him for paying the Netflix bill.

The user’s display name was ‘The_Duff’. Amazingly! It was his ex-girlfriend who asked him to pay the bill.

After getting the frustrating ordeal that he faced because of his former girlfriend, he had also shared his hilarious conversation.




The man has shared a screenshot on the thread and revealed that the person who texted him was his girlfriend. He said that his ex-girlfriend was using his account all the while- sans any information to him.

However, he shared his account with her two years before this incident.



What do you think should he pay the bill or not?

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