Coronavirus Vaccine Update: This country to begin vaccine trials on humans this week

Speed News Desk 20 April 2020, 15:40 IST

Coronavirus Vaccine Update: This country to begin vaccine trials on humans this week

Doctors and scientists around the world are burning the midnight oil for the invention of the coronavirus vaccine. It seems like doctors in the United Kingdom is planning to begin the trials of the COVID-19 vaccine on human beings.

According to the reports published in mirror.co.uk, Professor Sarah Gilbert claimed that there were about 140 vaccines in development but not all of them are successful yet. But, she is hoping the trials for the vaccine could begin at the end of this week.



She said, “Unfortunately we are under a lot of pressure now because we need to be testing the vaccine at a time when there is still virus circulating in the community and that means we need to go as quickly as possible.”

“We are actually hoping to start testing at the end of this week, not next week,” Gilbert said.
If these vaccines work then it will be one of the good news amid the havoc created by coronavirus across the globe.

Because of COVID-19 infection, around 100 health and care workers have been died after contracting a contagious virus in the UK, despite the Department of Health has named 43 NHS workers as victims.

On Sunday, the death toll has surged 16,000 in the United Kingdom. Over 12,000 British have contracted the novel coronavirus.

Also Read: Coronavirus Symptoms: Beware! These new mild symptoms indicate that you've been infected with COVID-19