Watch: Chinese farmer finds two headed snake slithering across his yard, netizens go berserk

Speed News Desk 30 October 2019, 13:39 IST

Watch: Chinese farmer finds two headed snake slithering across his yard, netizens go berserk

Recently, a Chinese farmer was astound after he found a two headed snake in his yard. As per the local reports, the farmer stated that he came across the two headed snake in his home on Monday. The event happened in a village in Hebei province.

The farmer, identified only by his last name Shenzhou stated that he managed to catch the snake and put in on display for others to see it. The two headed snake soon attracted a lot of visitors from in and around the village, all of them waiting with bated breath to catch a glimpse of the rare snake. However, the two headed snake escaped when a kid knocked the pot in which it was captured over.

A clip, posted by People’s Daily China, exhibited the two headed reptile moving across the floor.

The clip has cumulated over 21,000 views since it was posted on social media. It has also gathered several reactions, some amazed and others intrigued.


Two headed snakes hardly sustain oneself in the wild because their slow speed makes them an easy prey. As per the AFP, experts have previously mentioned that two headed snakes rarely occur in the wild and are usually bred in captivity.

Previously, some environmental consultants came across a rare two headed snake in New Jersey, USA.

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