OMG! 6-year-old boy fights with dog to save his little sister; gets 90 stitches for his injury

Speed News Desk 15 July 2020, 17:09 IST

OMG! 6-year-old boy fights with dog to save his little sister; gets 90 stitches for his injury

A six-year-old boy is winning the Internet for showing courage while fighting with a dog.
The brave boy Bridger Walker from the US saved his little sister from a dog and put his life in danger.

Walker has left injured badly in the attack, however, he saved his little sister.

For his courageous act, social media has been flooded with several messages. Even Hollywood stars Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway applauds the child.

Bridger’s aunt Nikki Walker shared the details of the incident on Instagram and also shared the pictures of Bridger and his sister.

The incident took place on July 9 when the dog approached the little girl and it was Bridger who protected his sister. In the attack, Bridger got injured as the dog bit him on his left cheek. Irrespective of his serious injury, Bridger managed to escape the spot with his sister.

According to his aunt, Bridger received 90 stitches for his injury and a plastic surgeon helped to treat him. However, the boy is resting at his home.

"My nephew is a hero who saved his little sister from an attacking dog. He, himself, took on the attack so that the dog wouldn't get his sister. He later said, "If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me." He got home from the hospital last night. I know it's a long shot, but I'm reaching out to the Avengers and other heroes so that they can learn about this latest addition to their ranks," Nikki Walker caption reads. She also tagged Hollywood stars Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo, Vin Diesel, Chris Evans, and other actors.


Nikki also shared another post with a set of pictures and wrote, “On July 9, my six-year-old nephew Bridger saved his little sister's life by standing between her and a charging dog. After getting bit several times on the face and head, he grabbed his sister's hand and ran with her to keep her safe.”


The post of Nikki on this little brother-sister love, Hollywood stars hailed the Bridger.

Actor Mark Ruffalo wrote for Bridger:

“Dear Bridger, I just read about what happened to you and I wanted to reach out to say this... People who put the well beings of others in front of themselves are the most heroic and thoughtful people I know. I truly respect and admire your courage and your heart. Real courage isn't dominating people or fighting against people or walking around like a tough guy. Real courage is knowing what is right to do and doing it even when it might end up hurting you somehow. You are more of a man than many, many I have seen or known. With Admiration...Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner/Hulk/Professor)”

While Anne Hathaway applauded Bridger on Facebook and wrote, “I'm not an Avenger, but I know a superhero when I see one. I can only hope I'm half as brave in my life as you are in yours, Bridger. Wishing you an easeful recovery, and many cool looking rocks.”


What a courageous act performed by Bridger Walker to protect his sister from the dog who could harm her badly!

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